Candy Apples Recipe! How To Make Candied Apples From Scratch At Home! Easy Halloween Recipe Video! Make Homemade Candy Apples Without A Candy Thermometer! Quick & Simple! Get Recipe for Candy Apples with instructions and measuremens @ Get in the kitchen! Make candy apples! Recipes & Cooking Videos on my channel & website!
Red candy apples have been a classic, traditional halloween treat for years. Everyone loves fall apple recipes and it's very simple to learn how to make candy apples at home. To make candied apples from scratch, requires few basic ingredients: sugar, cornsyrup, water and red food coloring. Some people make cinnamon candy apples, but I prefer the basic recipe. Red candy apples are traditional, but you can make candy apples any color. Hot pink candy apples have got to be the prettiest I've seen! Although the red are soo pretty, I really prefer a caramel candy apple, although my Hub really likes the red ones. He's a hard candy lover, so they're right up his alley. Caramel apples remind me of the way apples and peanut butter tastes and I just love that! I enjoy the caramel candy apples with nuts too. I love that crunch with the soft caramel and the juicy apple. I'd also love to make candy apples with chocolate! Chocolate makes everything better! What's your favorite apple recipe! Halloween recipe? Leave me a comment here or on my Facebook Page and let me know if there's something you'd like to see. What you're craving, could be my next video!
Some Fall Recipes, Dessert Recipes & Links from the end of this Candied Apple tutorial video listed below, on my website and cooking channel. Please check your settings and Watch Videos in 720HD or 1080HD for Best Quality.
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A few Dessert Recipes, Pumpkin Recipes, Hallowen Party Recipes! More on my channel!
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Tags: Fall recipes, apple recipe, Thanksgiving recipes, Christmas, Recipes, allrecipes, all recipes, baking channel, cooking channel, Dish, Dishing, Dishes, Diane Kometa, diane, dianne, diana, di, dee, dina, dyane, dishing with di, dishes, with di, dish with di, dishin with di, dishinwithdi, cooking show, video, youtube, you tube, baking, cooking, food, network, tutorial, kitchen, demonstration, how to cook, how to bake, how to make, candy apples, best candy apples, recipe, candy apple recipe
How to Make Candy Apples: Recipe: From Scratch: Diane Kometa-Dishin' With Di #109
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